Construction of the Mars STEAM Wing
Phase Two of the Building for Our Future Campaign
The thoughtful reconfiguration of Schoolhouse, 在现有科学翼所在的新艺术附加部分将允许扩展和改进学习和创新空间,以支持Foxcroft的STEAM课程.
It’s Full STEAM Ahead!
On April 19, 威尼斯彩票游戏为新的火星蒸汽翼举行了奠基仪式, when close to 150 alumnae, faculty, staff, trustees, 朋友们加入了我们的学生,就在现在的科学区外面. 该建筑计划于2025年秋季开放,将拥有最先进的设施,以加强学生在STEAM领域的学习.
“You cannot go back — you must go forward, you must help the future, and you must take the fine, the splendid things of the past for your standards.
Charlotte Haxall Noland, Foxcroft's Founder
An Extraordinary Gift
2023年1月,威尼斯彩票游戏宣布了一份多代人的礼物 $22 MILLION from sisters Victoria Beth Mars ’74 and Pamela Mars Wright ’78 and their daughters Bernadette Schuetz Russell ’03 and Charlotte Audrey Rossetter ’12.
这一变革性的礼物给了“建设我们的未来”活动的STEAM阶段,这是该校108年历史上最大的集体礼物,也是在世捐赠者向学校捐赠的最大的个人礼物. 它为生活带来了一个蒸汽翼的愿景,为女孩提供了一个最先进的设施,以发展在蒸汽科目中脱颖而出的技能.
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Be a Part of Our Future
To find out more about this campaign, to share your thoughts and Schoolhouse stories, or to make a gift in support of the campaign, please contact us:
Office of Institutional Advancement
$31 million
Funds raised to date of $65 million